Four-Faith Home automation based on SMS

1- controlling house devices using SMS

This product allow customers to control more 8 devices or more ( up to 200 device as customer want ) using sms message, and offer more options to make an easy way to remote control all devices .

For example: if you left the house and you forget that if you make all devices off or not? you can send sms message to this system, and the system will replay by another sms contain the status of devices and it will be like these

"air conditioner (bed room) is ON
lights of the first floor is OFF
all fans is OFF
tempreture is 23 C in the father room
tempreture is 21 C in the your room"

You can send sms message like this " make air conditioner OFF" and it will be OFF.

You cand send sms message contain more than one order like this
" lights ON, all fans ON, open the main door of house "

The system allows you to edit your sms message. so that you can send "MM" and this message will make specefic order like lights ON

2- sms alarm system

This system save your house, car, factory or company from Theft.

If a theif try to enter the house or car, the system will send sms message to you or to police or to security company wich you deal with

another thing the system can dial the police number and  say  voice message you stored it in the system
For larger image:
you can make a collection between the frist system and the second .
and you can dream any feature you want and our company will acheive it to you.

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