Good News! Four-Faith Joins the LoRa Alliance
Hi, everyone. We are announcing that Four-Faith is joining the LoRa Alliance. As a LoRa Alliance Member, we would continue to promote standardization development of the Lorawan industry and bring intelligence to all beings.
About LoRa Alliance
The LoRa Alliance® is an open, nonprofit association that has become one of the largest and fastest-growing alliances in the technology sector since its inception in 2015. Its members closely collaborate and share experiences to promote and drive the success of the LoRaWAN® protocol as the leading open global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWAN connectivity.
With the technical flexibility to address a broad range of IoT applications, both static and mobile, and a certification program to guarantee interoperability, LoRaWAN® has already been deployed by major mobile network operators globally, with continuing wide expansion into 2020 and beyond.
If you need more information, please visit: IOT News, hope you have a nice day.